An interview with Concrete Nature


Clementine of Concrete Nature
Business Owner


Tell us about your business. Please describe your craft/products. What does your business do? Do you target a purpose or specific person? 

Concrete Nature is a Glasgow based environmentally conscious creative studio balancing self-initiated and commissioned work. The studio explores design, nature and sustainability through publishing, curatorial and educational practices. Concrete Nature also designs, produces and sells limited edition risograph art prints, creative kits to inspire people and bring nature and design into their homes. The studio is also SPOTs designer.

What inspires you when you are working or creating new work? 

Nature, design and sustainability are the centre of my practice. I find inspiration in what surrounds me, from lush sunsets to colourful rocks. More recently I have been particularly inspired by walking in the forest around Glasgow. Reading is also another important source of inspiration, from fiction books to short magazine articles; words and visuals are two components I like to explore together when working on initial drafts.

What are the core values in your business?

I founded the studio to positively impact human experiences and the environment. Being mindful of what I produce, who I partner with when producing it, what materials and techniques are being used, how it’s transported and packaged are all elements that come into consideration in the creative and decision making process. 

What is your biggest dream/goal for your business or have you already achieved it/them?

I would love to collaborate with more makers and designers across disciplines to explore new territories and to bring out more creative events to allow people to learn, to feel inspired and to get creative themselves.

What is your favourite product/design you make and why? 

Publications make me incredibly happy, it involves curation, design, project management and everything in between. Every publication is different, each one brings new creative challenges and allows me to explore new creative solutions. The physicality of them makes the work that went into them feel so tangible and I love to share with others what brought them to life. 

What would you tell your younger self? (career focused) 

Work on your confidence, don’t be afraid to ask for more and never shy away from talking about money. I am actually happy with the way my educational and professional lives are going, I have learned so much along the way and I am lucky to have worked with so many brilliant people. 

What two things in your life can't you live without? (one life related and one business related)

Lists, which are as important in my personal and professional life. It helps me keep on top of things and be less stressed, especially when a million things are happening all at the same time. And coffee. Aside from keeping me wide awake, it’s the ritual that comes with it and the time I give myself to prepare and drink it that makes it a daily essential.

Please come up with one question that we can ask in our next interview. This could be as random or quirky as you want it to be. 

What’s your latest musical discovery?

This is the question from the previous interview:
How do you like your eggs in the morning?

I’m actually more of a pastry + coffee kinda girl. 

Quick fire questions:
Sweet or savoury? Sweet

Morning or night? Both

Radio1, Radio4 or 6music? 6music

Holiday in the UK or abroad? Abroad with friends and family!

Bright colours or neutral colours? Bright colours!