An interview with Slow Stitch Studio


Eva of Slow Stitch Studio
Business Owner


Tell us about your business.

Slow Stitch Studio was born out of a big love of craft, people and sustainability. All of my products have been created sheerly out of me wanting something that I couldn’t find; like my hot water bottle covers. I can’t stand the feeling of synthetic fluffy covers so I decided to make my own and it fit together so nicely with my love of quilting.

In addition to making, I focus heavily on clothing repair and workshops. It’s so frustrating trying to make good sustainable choices when it comes to clothing. I want everyone to have the skills I have so they can enjoy their clothes more - and if you don’t have the time right now I’m happy to do it for you.

What inspires you when you are working or creating new work? 

I take a lot of inspiration from traditional crafts, my favourite activity at the moment is trawling charity shops for second hand textiles, like wee hand embroidered doilies, table cloths or books on quilting. 

What are the core values in your business?

Sustainability is at the heart of Slow Stitch, I only use deadstock or organics materials, recycle wherever possible and create mindfully. I studied fashion technology at Glasgow Clyde College where I was asked to challenge sustainability in the fashion industry constantly. This made me think a lot about how I wanted to shape my business and how I could contribute positively to the industry. I was inspired by makers like All That Is Braw, Sunboy Toys and Rosana Exposito who don’t follow traditional business models, keeping sustainability at the forefront.

In addition, I really want Slow Stitch to be accessible and inclusive, I run a ‘pay-in-part’ system to allow payment splitting over a period of time,  always offer made to measure clothing and run monthly pay-what-you-can workshops.

What is your biggest dream/goal for your business or have you already achieved it/them? 

To be honest, having the confidence to run a business is already a dream. I’ve suffered a lot from anxiety in my life so this is a big deal, as for what’s next, it would be amazing to have my own shop/studio so that I could run more workshops and have a little community hub for makers.

What is your favourite product you make and why?

Custom hand quilted hot water covers for sure, it makes me so happy when someone places an order. Whether it’s a gift or a big treat for themselves I love getting to work with clients on colour schemes and hand embroidered messages. I currently use my grannie's hot water bottle cover so the idea that one of mine could get passed down to someone is gorgeous.

What would you tell your younger self?

Oh my god. Stop. Doubting. Yourself.

What two things in your life can't you live without? (one life related and one business related) 

My left handed fabric scissors! And a good coffee. I’m not a morning person.

Please come up with one question that we can ask in our next interview. This could be as random or quirky as you want it to be. 

What’s your secret motivation technique?
(Mine is a 30 second dance party a la greys anatomy) 

What’s your favourite film, tv show and podcast? 

Jurassic Park
Buffy/X-files (prime making rewatching)
All Killa No Filla 

Quick fire questions:
Sweet or savoury? Both at the same time.

Morning or night? Morning (but no work)

Radio1, Radio4 or 6music? 6music

Holiday in the UK or abroad? Uk.

Bright colours or neutral colours? Neutral