An interview with Ploterre


Rebecca of Ploterre
Business Owner


Tell us about your business. Please describe your craft/products. What does your business do? Do you target a purpose or specific person? 

I create small batch, handcrafted products using environmental data. I predominantly produce prints but I also experiment with other materials (currently textiles). My purpose is to bring environmental data to life through design and to try and communicate the curiosity that grabbed me for each subject and led me down a long journey to creating the artwork (each piece takes roughly a month of research / development and design).

What inspires you when you are working or creating new work? The outdoors.

What are the core values in your business? (eg. sustainability)
Sustainability! Both in terms of the resources and materials I use as well as having a business that I can live from.

What is your biggest dream/goal for your business or have you already achieved it/them?
To work with more environmental organisations and their research to feel like I’m making a bigger, positive contribution to the environment.

What is your favourite product you make and why?
My bird print. This is the first piece that I created that was slightly less illustrative in style (more towards a graphic design approach - a balance that I’m constantly striving towards) and it used quite a bit of data in a more unusual way (it led me into image analysis and weighted variants).

What would you tell your younger self? (career focused)
No route is the wrong route (I studied maths and although I enjoyed the subject, I always felt it took me away from the design route I dreamt of - it turns out it gave me a different approach to design, which constantly keeps me interested in both subjects).

What two things in your life can't you live without? (one life related and one business related)
Bike (life related) and Camera (business related)

Please come up with one question that we can ask in our next interview. This could be as random or quirky as you want it to be.
What is your favourite beach?

Question from a previous interview for you: how do you have your tea/coffee?

Filter coffee with milk

Quick fire questions:
Sweet or savoury? Sweet
Morning or night? Morning
Radio1, Radio4 or 6music? Radio Scotland :)
Holiday in the UK or abroad? UK
Bright colours or neutral colours? Neutral although yellow…