An interview with Anna Hepburn

Anna is a white woman with shoulder length blonde hair, a fringe and green glasses. she is wearing black clothes and she is seating her SPOT's office surrounded by art prints, plants and a Paulin clock.



Tell us about your business. What does your business do? Do you target a purpose or specific person?

SPOT creates stylish design-led, curated markets, workshops & social events in Scotland, but I thought instead of telling you what we do now, I’d mention what I see for us in the next few years…
Crucially, SPOT will continue to support and promote top designer-makers.

What will we do?
- Grow the studio further to have full time members of staff and teams focussing on organising, marketing/PR and social media.
- Offer yet more shopping opportunities to you in different and exciting ways.
- Support makers even further by offering residencies and opportunities to develop and host workshops.

Needless to say I am so incredibly excited about how SPOT has grown, the support we receive from everybody and the media is overwhelming at times and I feel very bashful when I talk about it. But, I’m learning to own it and that confidence is being channelled to develop the business.  

What inspires you when you are working on new events?

The drive to offer top experiences for designer-makers and the public and see people enjoy what I have put together. I often design things for myself because I’ve been both a designer-maker and part of the public attending events; I find it pushes me to create the very best, most exciting events.

What are the core values in your business?

1. Community over competition
2. Sustainability; with ourselves and asking to see development of it in those we work with
3. Supporting and promoting top quality design

What is your biggest dream/goal for your business or have you already achieved it/them?

I’d like to have a little marketing team. It’s something I have had to learn how to do on the job and still find it really stressful. It’s much harder work than I would have ever thought and it’s constant too. 

What has been your favourite event you have done so far and why?

Winter Market 2021. Coming back to live events was so exciting and it being our biggest yet really marked a turning point for SPOT in our growth and support of designer-makers.

What would you tell your younger self?

Do Art School, have loads of fun and know that all your varied experiences will come together at some point, even though it might not feel like it will. Work hard, make sure your needs are met and take weekends off!

What two things in your life can't you live without?

Life — The life coach!
Work — A handy little notebook, blank, slightly rough, thick paper

What is your ultimate ‘feel good’ film?

‘Pretty Woman’

Quick fire questions:

Sweet or savoury? sweet
Morning or night? morning
Radio1, Radio4 or 6music? Radio4 (6music too)
Holiday in the UK or abroad? UK
Bright colours or neutral colours? Bright colours